Thank You
I thank God I have the privilege of living in America. I’ve been blessed to live without real persecution for what I believe, enjoy the fruits of my labor and freely worship God. That’s what the founders wanted. Men should be free to pursue happiness. Happiness isn’t a bad thing like many today would have us believe. There’s some kind of bar they’ve erected that determines if you’re successful and happy. Books are written by the score with instructions for achieving success. I wonder how these people have so much time to share the secrets they’ve learned. Some money is made from books but not much. If one can get into the newsletter business, some serious cash can be had. And appearing in front of an audience enhances your own success and stature.
I believe real success and happiness is contentment with how God made you, your circumstances, family, skills or lack thereof. God knows who you are. He knows how many hairs are on your head. Some of us were made for “greatness” and some of us were made for simple labor. Many of us fall somewhere between those two extremes. But God created us. It is humbling to me that the God who knows billions of stars by name shaped me and created me just for His pleasure. David said we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I’m satisfied and happy with that. So happiness isn’t some secret learned from a mortal man; happiness is God finding you pleasurable to be with.
Thank you Lord for creating me and through Jesus Christ the opportunity to become your son.