Nov 24, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Thanks and Giving

November 26, 1789, President Washington declared a public day of thanksgiving and prayer. We’re to give thanks but to who? In Washington’s proclamation thanks was tied to prayer. Pray to who?

We’re a long way from that sacred hour when Washington spoke those words. We give from a thankful heart. Our founders knew that the blessing on this nation came from God, the Creator of all things. So we pray to God and tell Him, thank you.

Prayer is a humbling act, bowing your head, and kneeling helps put one’s mind in the right frame. Someone is greater than me, someone is more powerful, not trapped in this corrupt world, a lifeline to hope over what I have no control.

We’ve learned to trust God, put our faith in Him, and believe that He will be our help. There are those in the millions who put their faith in science, government, and passionate men who never bend their knees. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. The Bible says to pick this day whom you will serve, who you will bow to, and who you put your faith in.

Men have made a shambles of our world and yet so many depend upon their nefarious promises of a hopeful future. Imagine having a president that was thankful and knew who to thank and prayed to the God he was thanking.

Thank you Lord for giving us a nation founded on thanksgiving’ help us keep that which you have entrusted to us. We say thank you.

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