The Cato Institute
The following is a letter I sent to the Cato Institue “think” tank in their article of August 22 of last year why we don’t need a wall. It’s basically an in your face support for illegal immigration. So much time thinking is wasted if you don’t know how to think.
I ran across your article from August 22, 2018, on the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal alien. Your charge that her murder is was used to keep Manafort and Cohen off the front page is ridiculous. The relentless assault on President Trump is featured daily on the ABC channels. Turn on CNN or any of the rest of them and you will be presented with hatred for Donald Trump. Nothing deters these people (and you apparently) from vigilance in destroying our president.
My dad always used to say that figures never lie but liars always figure. Your insinuation that 4% of the murders in Texas don’t matter is an insult to those who have lost a loved one. What’s missing from your analysis is the obvious fact that people are streaming into the country by the thousands. Being that you either don’t know or don’t care what this does to our country, let me enlighten you.
1. Who supports these people? Who pays for their upkeep. Do they have shovel-ready jobs given to them? Most of them are poor, uneducated, and only qualify for low paying jobs. They move several families together in one house. This is making the United States degenerate into a second, then third world nation. We build schools to educate them, subsidize their living, and give them all the benefits of being an American but never expect them to assimilate. They arrive at our border with diseases and medical conditions that we must address and as a reward are told we are deplorable people because we don’t adequately take care of their needs. We deplorable people tire of self-righteous Americaphobes dismantling our values.
2. The left (and no doubt you too) are happy immigrants are bringing their culture to our country. The bulk of these people come from places where government corruption is rampant. Tyrants run their countries whether elected or not. This makes ready-made, left-leaning voters, eager followers of the politicians who redistribute wealth. The Democrats care not what kind of government we have just as long as they run it.
3. I skimmed through your article on incarceration rates and am appalled at your desire or lack of ability to see the elephant in the room. You continually concentrate on the mouse. Somehow we’re supposed to take comfort in the fact that there are only 800,000 or less illegal immigrants who are of a criminal nature. Incarceration rates are a bogeyman as every time you accuse a Hispanic of anything, you’re accused of being racist. A good share of the country has elevated the Hispanic community to an untouchable position. Sanctuary means sanctuary. This unwillingness to hold people of ethnic backgrounds accountable is well represented in the case of Nikolas Cruz. The police had been to his house thirty plus times and nobody could figure there was a problem. Like every other corruption of justice, it’s always reported that there’s nothing to see here.
I could go on and on but I know what the bottom line is. You hate Donald Trump. You don’t believe forcing yourself across the U.S. border is a crime or if it is it’s a victimless crime like jaywalking. You’re part of the Deep State, that cesspool in D.C. that benefit from the decline of American values and morals. You spend much time on figures; I only wish you’d spend less time using figures to demean our common sense.
Pandora’s box is now fully open and what is coming is at best frightful and at worst deadly for myself and my posterity.