The End Of The World
Over the years I’ve heard much preaching about the end of the world, the return of Jesus Christ and the millennial kingdom. We do know by certain things that we are “near” the end. Jesus said he didn’t know the day or the hour and we wouldn’t either. What’s important is knowing that our end will come and we will give account for the life we have led. We’re supposed to be working when he returns, not waiting.
When I worked, at first a job and then for myself, I paid no attention to time. Oh, I would arrive on time but my workday didn’t revolve around taking breaks and going home. I had work to do. I remember telling my fellow workers that my favorite day was Monday because there were so many things from Friday left undone. That was crazy talk. I wasn’t a workaholic, I just didn’t like to leave things unfinished. It’s unfortunate that attitude didn’t apply to my personal life. Looking back, there are things I should have done. And now much of it is undoable. All I can do now is warn the young about what’s coming. What’s coming? Their end, the time when there will be no more time, no more chances to make it right.
The other part I didn’t realize is the hardening that takes place in your heart, the way you deal with everything and everyone. It’s very hard to accomplish something you’ve put off for decades. The people around you are conditioned to facilitate your lack of effort and resolve. We make each other comfortable.
I’ve known for quite some time how the world is going to go. There is a reason Jesus wondered if there would be any faith before he returns. Opening the box of worms concerning the future is of no importance. In these latter years, I can only serve as a watchman on the wall and report what I see. By His word, God has made it plain what to look for.
The most important thing for me to tell you or anyone else I love is this: Only one life, will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. Today is the day; you may not have tomorrow. There is work to be done.