The Google Boys
Yesterday I copied a story off the net. These type of stories aren’t reported by what we call the main stream media but are on the net. They are put out for our consumption so we can really know what’s going on. Google, Facebook, and their affiliated offspring are in process of suppressing what they deem as “fake” news. The end game is to let us see and hear only what is deemed politically correct through their filter. Granted there is much fake stuff reported by loony people and the net is populated with stories of no validity. But these are a minor concern to the Google Boys. No, their big effort is on news that may be inconvenient for a leftist global agenda. In the end they want to topple the stumbling block to Google/Facebook dominion which in one word and one man is Donald Trump. The left feels it has already destroyed the mainstay of the past (Christianity) and had figured the future world was well within their grasp. Google controls us. And when our internet news sources get taken down or their credibility gets undermined by nefarious means the “Boys” are the reason it’s happened. Power always corrupts the morals and judgment of people and the tyrants that run these companies are no different. If they are successful in destroying our internet sources we can turn to our local news stories and spread them on the internet. We can all be little reporters with a small audience, but together we can get the word out. So keep your eyes on the small stories that reflect the corruption of the founders dream, a society that’s free to think their own thoughts and act upon them.