The Great Divide
We always knew we lived in a divided country. Now that the progressive rats have lost and are in danger of losing their government funded lives, they are throwing temper tantrums just like they did when they were two years old or sixteen years old. I remember having to go to the high school my daughter attended. She had gotten into a fight with another girl and my little girl won. In the front office were six other girls in varying degrees of kookiness. One was on the floor in two year old fashion having a tantrum; her mother was trying to get her to stand up to no avail. Schools are cesspools of undisciplined nasty kids. Not all of course but schools are a great place to destroy your children’s brains and attitudes. Now we have a whole generation of screwed up kids protesting the outcome of a presidential election. These idiots will be our future leaders which means we’re all in deep trouble. The hippy slob generation has produced a worthless generation of useful idiots. Communism is alive and well in academia and we are now reaping the fruit of gulag thinking.