The Love of Money
The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. Money isn’t evil; it’s loving it that’s the problem. We’re supposed to love God with all of our heart and conform our mind to making that possible. So loving anything more than God is rejection of Him. If one looks around it’s easy to see that mankind loves most things more than God. Houses, cars, children, grandchildren, politicians, entertainers, sports, or just about anything including literal garbage. However there is one thing most men love more than anything else and it’s not even something we really understand. It’s our penis. Men do some truly atrocious things for money but what men do to satisfy that “thing” is beyond the pale. Sex crimes are brutal. We all witness daily reporting of heinous sex acts carried out on helpless men, women, and children. There’s so much of it that our minds have become numb to the devastation this brings to our world. There is this rant by the perpetrators that we don’t want the state or the church in our bedrooms. Sex like everything else these days is some kind of right and nobody should stand in the way of sexual preference. The problem lies in the fact that there are too many consenting adults (that’s most of us). Satisfying your penis trumps everything else. No constraints are the gospel of the day whether straight or of other orientation. This vile love of sex permeates all people no matter what position they attain. From the local pimp to the highest office in the land, we are all corrupt. There is none righteous, no not one. We can not save ourselves. We need a savior to save us from ourselves, from doing things our own selfish way. I don’t want to end up like Lot, vexed daily by what my neighbors doing. Following Christ will put us more and more at odds with the world and that’s what we should make sure we do. If we love the world and the things of this world we are pleasing ourselves. God made everything including us for His pleasure, not ours. Should we enjoy life? Yes; but Jesus gives what this world can not and that is: peace with God. That is joy unspeakable and full of glory!