Dec 25, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The New Born King

Jesus, glory to the newborn king. We look around, but we don’t see any indication of His kingdom. Christians have long thought they were supposed to build this kingdom on earth, a sort of heaven-on-earth idea. While it is true that we are building the church on Christ the cornerstone of our faith, I think we forget that His kingdom is not of this world. Our job is to get people ready for the return of Jesus Christ.

We could talk about pre-trib, post-trib, no-trib, and all things related but that is merely side-stepping the issue. The question is, are you born again? Do you look forward to His return? Jesus tells us to pray that we are worthy to escape the things to come. In two thousand years there has been a whole lot of suffering, unthinkable, cruel things. Early Christians suffered and died horrible deaths. Earthly kings didn’t like people being allegiant to a king that couldn’t be opposed physically.

When Jesus told Pilate he only had the authority to do what God allowed him to do, that had to be somewhat unsettling. Noone would ever say that to anyone a ruler. I’m sure many dropped to their knees begging for mercy knowing how cruel punishment would be. But standing before Pilate was someone different. He wasn’t shaking, he wasn’t begging. He spoke as He always did with authority.

As we confront this world we will be held accountable by this world leaders for not bowing, not bending, and speaking with authority because we know our redeemer lives. The fiery furnace is being stoked as I write. Those three young men thrown into the fire saw the furnace being built. Their minds were made up ahead of time. Like Christ I’m sure they prayed asking God if their was any other way, let this cup pass from them.

We don’t know what God will require of us. We think we know a lot about God. We have His Word, the Son of God live a short while among us to show us what God was like. But we only have a glimpse of His power and glory. When He is seen in all His power and glory then the picture will be clear. Every head will bow, every knee will bend, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

David was anointed king years before he became king. Jesus was anointed king two thousand years ago, enough time for men to get ready for His return, His coronation. He will be crowned king of kings, lord of lords.

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