Mar 10, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Past vs History

It’s amusing that people are so adamant about what they believe and support, and yet for the most part, are merely mimicking the talking heads that they’ve decided are telling them the truth. The unique and wonderful thing about America is that for a season we could disagree with the talking heads without losing our own heads.

It’s bewildering to witness how we, a people with unlimited access to history, have forgotten the past. America was a new concept; men could be free to govern themselves and benefit or suffer from their own actions. Property was personal in America’s infancy and everything you produced was yours and not, through taxation, the property of the state. Today we have no control over banking, property, or personal rights.

We, along with everything we “own”, are the property of the state. The IRS was created to finance World War One. Created crisis, whether war, climate change, pandemic, or otherwise, is the cornerstone of the Almighty State’s reason for usurping our personal founder-given rights. There’s always a good reason for more taxes.

We Americans have set ourselves free of the past, rewritten history as needed, and pursued the passionate path our politicians have set for us. We’ve sent our children to colleges brimming with Marxist professors who relish their opportunity to teach our youth to unwittingly ready themselves for the final Bolshevik Revolution.

Self-righteousness is the overriding underpinning of this cult-like support for the religion of Communism. We elected a “community organizer” to be our president for eight years. His stated goal was to fundamentally change America, or in other words, make it like the rest of the world where personal rights are given by the whims of the state. He has been successful.

It should seem obvious that a community organizer has the sole purpose of pitting one part of the population against the other. Hence, as bad a curse as slavery was, racism is now the sermon preached from Mount Washington D.C. Slavery had been a normal part of society for thousands of years. It was defeated by Western thought expressed in the Constitution of the United States. British common law and the fruitful planting of Christianity broke the back of the age-old custom of slavery.

Wrestling slaves away from their final owners was contentious and brutal. But let’s be clear; it was white men who put an end to this outdated way of surviving. Our young are taught to learn history and revisit the shortcomings of great men of the past and disparage their achievements, one of which was setting men free of the state. Were the men of the past sinners? Their struggles were the same as ours. The problem lies in the reality of our collective pride. We believe we are without sin and therefore have the right to cast the first stone. We now witness the Bolsheviks assaulting every good thing with a barrage of stones.

Like the Leninists of a hundred years ago, these ungrateful “intellectual” citizens of hell, are wildly flailing their stones and in true Bolshevik fashion hasten the demise of the free man. It’s noteworthy that our political elite attribute the crimes of Communism to Vladimir Putin, a boogieman, an evil who must be defeated. Having an archenemy is a prerequisite to war. The relentless hateful rhetoric from our leaders and the lapdog media have convinced us that it’s in our best interest to pursue a nuclear conclusion to the current conflict.

So, we’re supposed to believe that combatting Putin is a necessary action whilst at the same time funding Marxist teaching kindergarten through higher education.

Putin at one time wanted to join NATO, in other words, join Europe. Nope, archenemies aren’t allowed to change. It’s doubtful that many have listened to what Putin has said in the past. He, as to be expected, wanted Russia to be a major influence in Europe. Somehow we Westerners have forgotten the German atrocities and allowed Germany to be the leading power in Europe. Could it be that the thirty-five thousand troops we have in Germany eighty years after the war play a role in our powerplay over Europe’s economy? Through NATO we’ve guaranteed our power is omnipotent in Europe. Allowing Russia to partake in European affairs as a full partner would diminish our hegemonic power.

I could drone on about the ravages on our sensibilities that the power-seekers in Washington D.C. are perpetrating on the American people, but then I realize that the fewer words written or spoken make for better communication.

Talk too much, and at some point, a stone will come your way. That’s OK. For evil not to prevail, the truth must be preached loudly from every corner, taught to our children, as we acknowledge the Creator who showed us the way. Take the abuse of stones today because we know the proclivity of tyrants, once power is seized, is to eliminate all dissent with bigger stones.

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