Aug 3, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Right to Bear Arms

There are only two types of people; those who want to pursue happiness and those who want to screw up your life. Freedom to think, own property, and say whatever you want is anathema to the vile left. If you don’t do what these bullies want, it’s curtains for you.

Marx and his followers have been instigating terror, destruction of the family, and encouraging war on our shores ever since the constitution was written. The constitution is their enemy. They brought about the civil war in hopes of ending the constitution. Great success has been theirs over the years and we are now at the tipping point. Violent resistance is deemed necessary to rid the country of the last of us white racists. Stoking up racial tension has become a way of life for the Democratic Socialists. They are funded in a large part by Georgie Boy Soros, Mr. One World Government himself.

The war is between freedom and tyranny. My brother-in-law said that parents that don’t vaccinate their children should be killed. He believes everything the state says and does is right and must be obeyed blindly. He worships the state; I do not. This is why we have the right to bear arms. When the state decides to kill my daughter because her kids aren’t vaccinated, we will be able to fight back. The second amendment was given so we can protect ourselves from these scumbuckets. America was created as the one and only place the state had limited power. Hard to believe so many want to toss it all away.

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