Apr 7, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Same Old Story

The takedown of a country from within is always done the same way. Through malicious incompetence and malfeasance, the existing culture is changed by nonstop questioning of history to kill the roots of the present life. By fueling fear of the future, the crisis is an opportunity for complete acceptance of tyranny..

Usually, this ends up with some attempt at creating a necessary war to right some perceived wrong. War puts a population under further stress because the outcome isn’t clear and people are galvanized behind the current leader. Moving the country from crisis to crisis grooms them for the readied solution of the tyrants. Power elites know that populations desire safety above all else.

Ignorant people are easy to control and our country is in tremendous danger because we have millions of idiot citizens who seem to question nothing except their gender. We now are keenly and evenly divided into two basic groups, the prudent and the insane.

The Bible says people perish for a lack of knowledge. Personal sin is what makes that a willful choice. As long as the good-life charade continues, the end becomes set in stone.

The only saving grace is the fact that the saviors in charge of the rubber room are themselves becoming more incapable of putting the finishing touches on their dystopian plans. This isn’t to say there will be anything left to build on but at least then we’ll be able to have a better vision of our future without the fetters of pretended reality.

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