The Sky is the Limit
In January 1974 I bought a new car for $4475. Today a car of similar value would run ten times that price. I bought a 635-square-foot two-bedroom house with a full basement for $12,600. Today? says the estimated value today of that same house is $294,000. That’s over twenty-three times what I paid in 1972, and it’s fifty-two years older. Since 2007 the property (wealth) taxes collected amount to $26,725.
I remember the payment (principal, interest, taxes, and insurance) was $106 then. The taxes per month now are more than my house payment was then. Housing makes up a major part of our cost of living; as I noted, transportation ranks high too. Twenty-three times the average wage in 1972 ($3.88 hourly) would be $90.40/hr today. A forty-hour work week at today’s average wages ($59,384/2080hrs) delivers $28.55/hr. today.
To sum it up, a person would need to earn three times what they’re making today to live as well as they would have in 1972. This results from the government trying to “help” us live better lives by stealing our money and deciding how it should be spent. The War on Poverty, Medicare, Medicaid, and all the rest of the “cradle to grave” government care has been a total disaster and will self-destruct. As we witness the impending collapse of everything we need to know who is to blame and not fall into the trap of succumbing to tyranny without a fight.
Our government is largely comprised of thieves, some well-meaning, but nonetheless, thieves. They squander our money and therefore our future and we’re naive if we think this will end well with the “soft landing” they preach.
The wealth (asset) tax is coming as the tyranny in Washington needs more of your funds to finalize its grip on power. Your only power is your money, the only thing that allows you to be free. You should love your money more than the blob we call government. Choose your enemies wisely; it’s government.