The Struggle
Our country was founded on the premise that men could govern themselves. For that to happen, we all had to agree on the same basic laws which were derived from English natural law and the ten commandments from Judeo-Christian teaching. Ever since our government’s inception, there has been a continual, unabated assault on the liberty our constitution gave us.
The Bill of Rights spelled out the inalienable rights that people must have if they are to call themselves free. We are daily in a battle with those who want to run our lives and spend our money. We must win this battle if not for ourselves, for our posterity. Our “rights” should come from God, not some bureaucrat who delights in their power over other people’s lives.
Following are comments on an article Tom Woods posted on the lockdown.
The American system was obsessively designed to bolster state and local power to protect against federal tyranny.
Now it has being taken over by state and local tyrants, and the federal government can’t do sheit.
Who woulda thunk that the federal government would become a champion of freedom ???
Really?? • 4 days ago • edited
For individuals, a vaccine is far, far in the future, of uncertain effectiveness and producing and distributing literally billions of doses reduces the likelihood that one will actually get an effective vaccine. The best case scenario one can hope for is to eventually catch a case of the COVID that does not kill them or require hospitalization that bankrupts them or become a COVID “long hauler” AND that a COVID infection confers immunity from future infections.
Giverment authority will greatly expand when state giverments start prosecuting people for non-compliance (e.g., fines, imprisonment, requiring proof of COVID antibodies). For example, my sister, who lives in New Mexico traveled to Colorado to visit our mother. She was required to quarantine for 14 days upon return to New Mexico, unless she took a COVID test and could prove that she was negative. At this point, it is unclear who enforces such laws or what the penalty is for ignoring them. Will New Mexico law enforcement authorities be empowered to demand proof of a negative COVID test of anyone they know has been outside New Mexico?
robert carpenter • 3 days ago • edited
The great fear of ALL POLITICAL REGIMES is always the fear of REBELLION. The great dream of all political regimes is the carceral panoptican society. All over the world one sees emerging populist rebellions against the ruling political classes. Trump’s 2016 election was a decisive rebellion against the ruling class. It was always a question of how rather than if the ruling class would move to put down the emerging populist rebellion. The covid lockdown regime is best understood as one tactic within a counter-revolutionary strategy.
frozenjim robert carpenter • 3 days ago
I tell you what, if Trump loses, it isn’t only America that is going full-on Marxist. If Trump loses, both Canadian mainstream parties (Conservatives and Liberals) are just ITCHING to move this lockdown into high gear – forever.
Your president is the only person standing between the globalists and a global win. Sad to see him embracing Covid the way he has – spending trillions on a lie, which makes him the biggest swamp creature in the history of the swamp. Worse, even than Obama when it comes to spending.
10/09/2020Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
When it comes to Covid-19, bureaucrats and politicians keep moving the goalposts, changing the rules, and engaging in bait-and-switch tactics, so they can maintain the “new normal” dictatorship. Those who object, we’re told, “just want people to die.” It’s now becoming clear that “you can’t have your life back in some states unless you take it back.”