Aug 5, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Will Of God

I believe we live in the end times.  How long “end times” last is hard to measure. It was over a hundred years for Noah.

The first end time guidepost for me is Israel coming back as a nation. If you read accounts of the war in 1967 you understand how miraculous that was.  Since that time the world’s attention has been constantly on Israel; it became a cup of trembling.  Jerusalem was to be the capital and it took a man with thick skin to make that happen. 

We read in the book of Daniel about Nebuchchadnezzer, an arrogant dictator whom God refers to as his servant. Daniel 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons; he removeth kings and setteth up kings; he giveth wisdom unto wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.  So it is God who brings people to power for his purpose. 

If that is true, then I must look at history with a different eye.  God loves the world, everybody, and isn’t willing that any should perish.  We, on the other hand, are more than willing that people perish.  Wouldn’t it be a better world if Kim Jung Un died and got his just rewards?  If anyone deserved retribution, it would be him.  The pastors in South Korea have been praying for years for him to perish.  He is a wicked man.  It was suggested to some that they should pray for Kim’s salvation and now have started doing so.  Will he repent?  I don’t have that much faith, but what we do know is that anything is possible with God.

President Obama celebrated the legalization of Sodom and Gomorrah by lighting up the White House in the colors of the rainbow.

I don’t like it, hate it, and like Lot am vexed by all the sexual lunacy unleashed on our children.  But God said that is how it would be before Christ would return.  So, I don’t have to like it but if Christ is to return it will happen.  Next milepost.  Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  Kingdoms are ethnic groups and we can see the purposed dividing of our ethnic groups.  This one will affect myself and those I love the most because people with no color are deemed to be to blame for every malady of life.  Even the moon landing is being called racist.  White privilege is the ability to suffer life’s universal indignities without blaming another ethnic group. Are we without sin? Are we culpable in many crimes? Yes. Do we have the ability to make reparations? No.

The idea that inclusion, multiculturalism, and diversity will bring us together is pure nonsense. The flag and the allegiance to this country is not something to be taken lightly. When someone of a different culture comes here, they must discard their dedication to the old world. The only advantage in diversity is the set of skills you bring from the old world. Inclusion has no value as it’s very definition means to combine everyone’s values together and therefore making none of them worth considering.

We’re brought together by the cross of Jesus Christ. That requires us to humble ourselves, stop doing wicked things, and serve God and take care of those created in His image. That’s the will of God.

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