Jul 5, 2021 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Wishing Well

Thirty percent of Republicans believe Trump will be re-instated as president. I’m not throwing water on that parade but it would be historic. There is the whimsical wish that justice will prevail and that is the underlying reason so many Republicans have hope that Trump will return and keep America from being last or better put, keep their futures from being discarded as worthless. I am one of those that pine for Trump to return to office but history teaches us that justice does not prevail when it comes to politics.

Each administration does something catastrophic to the country and Trump and Biden are no exception. For Donald Trump it was the lockdowns, at least that’s the main one. He set things in place for the country to prosper for a while and then allowed Fauci and the media to control the narrative and so determine how the nation would deal with Covid. Trump ends up destroying his own economy which from the Democratic side was the whole reason for the “crisis”.

Biden, succumbing to dementia, is following the path his handlers have laid out for the world. Climate change, renewable energy, ridding society of its past moral mooring, has doomed him and the country he “leads” to a very unstable future.

Compromising the constitution has been the theme of the progressive movement ever since the founding of the country. Slavery gave credence to the idea that states rights weren’t important and therefor it was deemed that the federal government should have final authority in everything.

We have the revered Abraham Lincoln to thank for installing this first stepping stone to tyranny. The federal government was to regulate commerce between the states. He took it upon himself to blockade the South, to stop their ability to get their goods to market. Lincoln jailed journalists, politicians and anybody who objected to his war ambitions. The main breaking of the constitution was under Lincoln’s administration, all in the name of justice.

Skipping ahead to another republic-busting, democracy pushing do-gooder was Woodrow Wilson. Leading us into World War One (more good intentions) gave communists the circumstances needed to impose their brutality on the world and Hitler becoming the “necessary” option for Germany to exact vengeance for the Treaty of Versailles.

We like to make enemies of the political opposition and leaders do come to their position by a desire for power and ambition to use that power on others but we must take note of what shapes these people and gives them the drive to do the things they do. From Washington to Biden I’m sure most of our politicians actions are for good intentions and there in lies the rub. We have far different views of good intentions.

To live and let live was the intentions of our founders, They weren’t perfect people but they understood one thing I think the rest of us have forgotten. If we’re to live peaceably with each other we must allow our neighbor to live his life without us infringing on it.

My fear is that the melting pot is now a relic of a past and the lessons learned from the past are eagerly forgotten by those who live now. I think it was Rodney King who said, “can’t we all just get along?’ We can if we want to. The difference is, will it be by the gentle hand of a kind neighbor or by the blood-soaked hand of a tyrant brought to power by a vengeance seeking mob.

The wishing well is filled by people who have a Disneyland approach to life. Lots of wishes, very little work and the happiest place on earth isn’t so happy anymore.

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