I have trouble writing as it seems everything is so overwhelmingly depressive. Knowing what God has said would happen in the end may be enlightening but not necessarily of immediate comfort. I pray for strength to endure through it all and to convey the truth to those that are lost. God chose the people of Israel as His people, not because of their goodness but as an example of how good He is to choose us. The story of Israel is a tale of all nations with the populace choosing a man to rule instead of God. Israel chose Saul, strong, tall, good looking, and let’s not forget charming. From that point it was a political roller coaster, some good, but as is our observation, mostly bad. You see men like to be told by another man what to do, what is right and wrong, how money should be spent, etc. In this way they believe they negate their responsibility for the consequences of their poor choices. But culpability is inescapable. The notion that we reap what we sow is not something that crosses our mind. The western world had swallowed this hook, line, and sinker. Politicians are very good at pitting races and social classes against each other. Just imagine if there was no serious strife in the population; politicians would have nothing to propose. So leveling the “playing” field has become the number one tool in their arsenal. And it is played to nauseous levels at every turn. Unfortunately the masses are illiterate when it comes to cause and effect arguments. I find it’s difficult to get anyone interested in the truth. Maybe it’s because what is obvious is too unthinkable. And so it is we’ve given up our desire to think.