Mar 11, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Three Immigrants

Immigrants come to this country for a better life, a life their old country didn’t offer. As an aside, this proves that America is not a racist country. If it were, all those other races wouldn’t come here. It’s just the homegrown ethnic groups that have been given an ax to grind for a purely political purpose that feels America is racist.

We used to have immigrants work for us. They worked hard, were dependable, and came back year after year to work for us. One of them spoke fairly good English and of course, ended up being a foreman as he could communicate in the language of business. He tried for citizenship but became disenchanted with the process and difficulty of it all. So he moved back to Hermosillo. He started a business there and has done quite well.

Last year his sons moved to the United States. They became citizens, no small feat. They have excellent jobs and are a great asset to this country. They are just like their father, hard-working, honest, and knowing that learning English gave him a huge step up in life. His sons learned that too. They are doing well. They are Americans of the highest order. It’s good to have them here.

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