Oct 17, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Too Old?

The problem isn’t that politicians are too old to serve their country, it’s that voters are lazy and by their own choice ignorant of civic duty to be well-informed. People tend to be one issue voters and therefore easily influenced by what touches their hot button. For the most part, name recognition is the deciding factor, and the attitude “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” prevails. Unfortunately, our ship is ready to sink and those that are suggesting the hard decision to man the lifeboats and venture into unchartered waters are assailed as being traitors to our comfortable living standards.

Our federal and state governments have piled up unfunded liabilities to the sky in hopes of satisfying the promises made to voters. What we now have is a huge elephant in the room: unpayable debt. The public, living in their utopian bubble of future promises, is beginning to awaken to the farce-laden life they’re living.

The basis for electing people to serve us comes from simple mathematical and parenting skills. Two plus two equals four, not five, and honey I’m really sorry but we can’t afford that and no Billy, I’m not going to take from your sister to give to you just because you want it and think you deserve it.

The bulk of people are ignorant by choice. They only think of rights and not responsibilities. The first question we should ask a politician is this: who are you going to steal from to satisfy me? And if I support that theft, why isn’t the budget balanced?

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