Sep 28, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Donald Trump is a very successful businessman. He’s been candid about how you must pay off politicians to get anything accomplished. He doesn’t have time for “losers” which is to say the politically correct crowd that learned all their prejudices from the government schools. This isn’t to say that he is the paragon of virtue. But he is unafraid to be open about what he sees as wrong. He’s also not afraid to say that he can and will fix the problem. This is monstrously annoying to the left or anyone in the political culture with an agenda other than making America great again. Can he do it? If elected, would he do it? Who knows. What’s refreshing is his willingness to do something which the rest of the politicians endlessly talk about. On the Apprentice he has shown how he can put unlikely people together and get results. It’s not about cronies or friends. He always tells people how great they are to include Dennis Rodman. But getting the job done isn’t about surrounding yourself with popular people or people you or voters like. You keep people who produce results. That’s the way he works. That’s why he would do well as president. You may not agree with him; you may not like him. But one must admit, he knows how to get something done.

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