Feb 7, 2021 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Two’s A Crowd

The fact is that the Democratic Party has been laundering votes for many years. Votes are recounted but never has the system been audited. So they’re very skilled at creating the illusion that elections mean something, that your guy/girl/cousin It winning means you’re winning.

Up till now there has been no need for overwhelming tinkering in elections but because Trump received a landslide majority it threw their fraud efforts into the open. So the truth now comes out that we have been living in a one party state but giving the populous the impression that their vote counts. On top of that the radical left have consolidated power and no longer want to participate in the two-party charade.

Now that the curtain has been pulled back, people realize we can print as much as we need without consequence. No need for the two-party bickering, just show us the money. We have voted ourselves into the swamp. Is that why it’s getting so hard to breathe?

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