Aug 8, 2021 - Culture and Morality    No Comments


Information everywhere. We are drowning in information. We’ve heard that, seen this but there’s so much of it. Some of it’s true. some of it isn’t, some of it we just don’t care; we want it to be true.

Jesus questioned whether there would be faith when he returns. We’re told we don’t need much faith to accomplish things; but we need some don’t we? Just a little and yet Christ wondered if there would be any. That’s sobering.

At the time of the Scopes trial most of the church didn’t believe in a six day creation. Before 1948 most of the church didn’t believe Israel would become a nation again. The church has had a real hard time with belief and therefore struggles with faith. Evolution dominates our beliefs in and out of church.

In the end people won’t accept sound doctrine. That is what we’re told so we should look for that. Israel upset the boat of doctrine. We see many are excited and looking for Christ’s return. That’s encouraging for now. But is there something coming that will test the belief/faith of the Christian? Will we reject this basic doctrine of the church?

I think so. Men are making great strides in medicine, archeology, astrology and just about everything else. Could it be that we are close to the day when the Bible will seem like a book of myths and fairy tales? Is the time coming when we will only seek manmade solutions to our problems and we will have no need or belief in prayer?

God said he would pour out a great delusion upon the whole earth. The whole earth, that’s everywhere. We’re warned not to be deceived because it’ll be so easy to be fooled. There are things we want to believe but they just might not be true. So we are to test everything with the Word of God.

The apostle Paul said to take every thought captive to the Word of God. This is tough. Every word? I find there are so many things thrown in front of me that it’s hard to avoid not giving more time to what the world thinks and less to what God says. Do I hide God’s Word so I don’t sin against Him?

Those outside Noah’s ark were completely unaware until the rain started to fall. Think of that. A huge ark, an eyesore in the wilderness, can’t miss it, but somehow it was dismissed as not important. Sure, it would be great if you were shipping something and it was on a great sea. But let’s get real here. Some old relic is of no value. There’s no rain coming, no storm.

But really, an old book telling us how to live, how to know God, how to be saved? Are you kidding me? We’re advancing so fast. We don’t need a god of any kind. We’re solving diseases, we’re making a social credit system where people have to be good to just live.

Christ returning? What was that cross about? We’ve solved everything. We’ve got someone else to worship now. It is us, our pets, our thoughts; we are indeed captains of our own ships. We are gods and can save ourselves.

We can save ourselves, that’s the delusion.

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