Jun 6, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I’m increasingly uneasy concerning our nation or our world for that matter. I’ve tried to get people interested in what is taking place before our eyes, which is the collapse of our lives. The FED has built a house of cards that is truly amazing; frightening is a better word. The American empire is falling apart. Our government leaders are like the Wizard of Oz, lots of smoke and mirrors, trying to show Dorothy and her tattered friends that he has some mystical powers to make everything all right. If only our leaders were harmless old men like the Wizard. No, they are corrupt beyond remedy, having sold their souls long ago for a pittance. I can’t blame them. They merely do the bidding of an increasingly ignorant mass of voters who have sold their souls for even less. If I could shake you, I would. There’s a storm coming; one that will destroy our way of life and maybe our lives. History shows us that nothing different is going on. Men keep following the same lies; I guess the truth is too unbearable. Even I want that can kicked down the road. Collapse is too unthinkable. It’s more comforting to think these fools that run the world can pull it off one more time. The Bible says that with knowledge comes sorrow. I wish I didn’t know so much.

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