We Don’t Know
What don’t we know? God. We really don’t know who we’re dealing with. He knows how many hairs are on our heads. He sees each sparrow that falls. He’s given every star a name, billions of stars in billions of galaxies. He is a million times more than our minds can imagine. His power usurps our strength. We can’t stand before Him. Every head will bow, every knee will bend, and we all will confess that He is Lord.
If we could only grasp this truth then we wouldn’t be so cavalier about how we spend our time. We’d be searching for souls and winning as many as we could because we realize that what the Bible says is true. There is a heaven to hope for and a hell to shun.
All the day long we rub shoulders with people who are lost and face eternity without Christ. Opportunity is everywhere. The fields are ripe for harvest; they have always been. There have never been enough laborers. We devote a lot of time and energy to succeeding in this life and build up as much treasure here as possible. The hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and whatever else can take it all away in a moment. Our lives are just a vapor. How much can a vapor keep? We stand before Christ with just our soul. What can a man give in exchange for his soul? That’s all he has and all he is. Everything else was just a vapor that appeared for a moment.
We work out our salvation. We’re not saved; we are being saved. King David said he buried the Word within his heart so he wouldn’t sin against God. That’s how we have to live our lives. The bride should love the groom, be in continual preparation for his appearing. She can’t wait to be in his presence because she knows he loves her and cares for her. She is everything to him. We are everything to Christ. We are why He came to earth. We were helpless, without anything to offer but our heart. That was all He wanted. That’s all Christ wants; a bride that loves Him with all her heart, soul, and mind.