Sep 17, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

What They Want

I wonder what the left wants. Over time they’ve achieved plenty of free stuff, food, shelter, schooling, medical care, and special programs to facilitate their lack of ambition. But they are still not happy, still want more. Envy eats away at them resulting in a “if I can’t have it, I’ll destroy what you have. Even though they live better lives than royalty in times past, our appeasing their whining never ceases.

I do see where the give me more crowd get their ideas. For years our political parties have pandered to the “needy” people that make up America. Politicians have always printed just enough to butter the bread a little thicker. But this time the butter is melting faster than we can engage our bread. Our brilliant betters have engorged us with butter and given us smaller slices of bread. Can we get more bread? Alas no, but more butter, no problem.

They desire to stop us from pursuing happiness by overturning our reality and making every event a crisis. In the Jacobian fashion, war has been waged on whiteness; it’s been determined civilization is white privilege. In true dedication to Mao, Pol Pot, and Nazi wisdom, we the ordinary minding-our-own-business citizen has been designated evil racists, fulling deserving of scorn and worse.

I, your neighbor, am asking that no such glory be given to the likes of these blood-sucking leeches. Just say no, no to transgender medical mutilation, no to the debauchery and corruption of our quasi-elected politicians. Draw a line in the sand and dare them to cross. The grooming crowd will cower if real men confront their evil..

Realize that we stand waist-deep in quicksand. War is on the march and we have our dirty fingerprints all over it. Whether it’s the border crisis or bureaucracy malfeasance, America must be saved for our posterity. It will cost us everything so what we do will be determined by one thing, love.

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