White Line Fever
Truckers are kind of a breed of their own. Lots of time on the road, time to think, time to wonder if it’s all worth it. If they have family the question of worth is not open to question. Nobody thinks about truckers too much but they of all people are essential workers.
The government of Canada and the United States are at the tipping point. They’ve got to turn one way or another. Let the people go, give them their freedom back or go full tyranny. From what Castro’s illegitimate son indicates, he’s willing to go to arms. He’s already freezing their funds, stealing their gas, visiting homes that said something supporting the convoy on facebook, and all with the help of the police.
Joe Biden is just as apt to respond in like manner, bare his chest, shout his demands, and use the police and the military (which he has purged of the best patriots) to drive the final nail into the coffin of liberty.
Covid, worldwide, has given police plenty of practice in rounding up those who question and even downright defy the dictates of the state. To say this will be a year of unrest is understating the dire affairs of the months till the election. Not that the election will change anything; more likely every “win” will be challenged by the tyrants. Besides, we have no access to Dominion voting machines. Being the company is made up of dedicated Marxists, I sincerely doubt the outcome will be as anticipated. I hope I’m wrong but I have no faith in the American people.
I suppose the white lines on black pavement do make truckers white supremists, racists if you will. Canadian truckers are liberals for the most part but they do recognize when Castro’s boy is getting a little too big for his britches which means the temperature of white line fever is going up, higher and higher. Who knows, maybe some of us less essential people will join the chorus and shout the tyrants down. Some of us will pay a terrible price for noncompliance, disobedience if you will, but as has been said before, it’s better to die on your feet (or in your truck) then to live on your knees. Push coming to shove, we’re about to see what we’re made of.