Oct 5, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Seems everyone is asking the same question: why did Stephen Paddock do what he did. Maybe it was political, maybe he became radicalized, or maybe he was a Trump supporter (choke).   Why did he have so much money? Unless you’re a shrewd poker player, gambling never seemed to be the mark of wealthy men. People in the drug business many times like to cloak their

Unless you’re a shrewd poker player, gambling never seemed to be the mark of wealthy men. People in the drug business many times like to cloak their ill- gotten gains in legitimate enterprise and gamble the excess away. Some say he snapped, whatever that means. His seemingly well thought out plans reflected the mind of a man seeking revenge and not some sudden action of passion; it looked like payback and lots of it. He was evil. He did the bidding of the devil. The devil? Am I really saying that? I know it’s a belief that isn’t at all in fashion but that doesn’t make it not so. The simple truth is a person is either following Satan or Jesus Christ. For whatever “reason” he did this deed it boils down to his unrepentant, self-serving heart being open to the whims of Satan.

The Bible says that “vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay”. It is His desire and responsibility to do that. Satan makes his followers take their own revenge and in doing so they suffer the wrath of Him to whom vengeance belongs. Too much time is spent wondering the why of these kinds of things. It’s simple; he loved darkness rather than light because his deeds were evil.

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