Mar 26, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Why Honor God?

Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou has created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

The universe, the grass of the field, the beasts of the earth, the very dirt God used to fashion us, were created for one thing, God’s pleasure. We think we’re special because we were created in the image of God; many teach that God passed His creativity to us and indeed we are creative. However, since the fall of Adam and Eve, we’ve become creative in one thing, sin or disobedience to the perfect God. We, collectively, have become unprofitable, and willingly unredeemable to God.

We couch our repentance in excuses and if we profess any allegiance to God, self-righteousness is the flag we wave in God’s face. We actually believe we can attain a state of perfect righteousness without the burden of the cross on our backs. We flaunt our supposed goodness and declare we’re achieving our best life now. Furthermore, anyone not focused on the crosshairs of prosperity, and are very possibly, unsaved or at best will suffer loss for their willing lack of wisdom. Saying this isn’t meant to question anyone’s faith but only to remind us of how serious God takes our confession.

Obviously the disciples missed the “best life now” teaching of Jesus. As we languish out here in fly-over-country (the notorious Bible Belt), I take note that Christ was telling us to be all about the gospel, and not selfservice, working the evangelical field to obtain a good harvest, and taking care to love our fellow believers amongst the many other tenets of love.

God receives honor and glory through his greatest work, our salvation. We give him power through our submission to him.

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