Jun 23, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

When Will Christ Return?

In Luke 21 Jesus said that there shall not one stone be left upon the other. The disciples asked when these things would come to pass. It’s interesting to make note of how Jesus answered them. I’m not going to comment on more than the first couple things He said. He starts with a warning to be careful that they’re not deceived. Why? Because many will come in His name, saying I am Christ, that they have heard from God. They represent God. Then Jesus tells them what these false teachers say and that is that the time draweth near; Jesus is coming soon. I think we have to look forward and be aware of the season we live in but apparently false teachers will arise and be very persuading saying that this is the main message for the time we live in. He goes on to say that there will be wars and rumors of war, lots of commotion, and nation will rise against nation, or ethnic group against ethnic group. Certainly these things have always been. Admittedly there is a huge escalation in these things as the world is made smaller by technology. Essentially I believe He is saying and I paraphrase, “if I haven’t been told when I’m returning, what chance do you have of knowing the time of my return?” So what are we supposed to be doing? Work while it is still day (while we still have breath). The harvest is great and the workers are few. Pray that the Lord will send workers into the harvest. We spend so much time talking about when we retire, what we’re going to do, and as Christians it’s all about the return of Christ and going to heaven. However, there’s work to be done and we must be about serving our Savior who gave his life for us. He came to save the lost. We need to find those who are lost and tell them there is a Savior who loves them. I do truly believe that Jesus is coming soon. There is much evidence pointing to that happening soon. But that day comes as a thief in the night. No warning; He’ll just suddenly be here.

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