Dec 12, 2013 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Winston: ? – 1984 A dreary life ends, apathy, complacency, a worthless expenditure of time, born of parents who took no stand, spineless concubines of the state, succored on the government handouts, molded with their children in cookie shapes, soulless remnants of a glorious free land forever banished to history, the price paid for their squandered inheritance ridiculed and disdained. Do we really want to be Winston? Is there no fight in us? The few will fight, suffer and be hated for standing by the helpless fools who trust in the promise of the politician’s hopeless change. Do the people ruling us really have our best interests at heart? Do “one size fits all” laws really work for men that breathe free air? Aren’t we all cloaked in the wishful dreams of politicians who pander to the lusts of evil constituents? We are no longer on the slippery slope; we have arrived at the bottom of the hill, flying off the cliff, nervous about landing in the dark canyon below.

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