Aug 2, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Your Life Doesn’t Matter

In the world of BLM, only black lives matter. Black people are the only ones that face discrimination. They are the only ones that were slaves. Truth be known, blacks were slaves and many were brutally treated but then slavery was a way of life for thousands of years. Every race and creed have been slaves. Slavery has developed a population that resents previous ownership and now want reparations. In fact, we are supposed to kiss their feet.

A majority in this country are ungrateful for the achievements and sacrifices of previous Americans because our ancestors grew up in a culture that was born in a time where slavery was a part of normal life.. If you inherited slaves at eleven years old, our all-wise and pig-headed elitist malcontents deem that somehow that boy, born before the end of slavery, is somehow guilty of sin, a sin that the whole world participated in.

This is a burden we would usually not thrust on a boy so young or so we thought. In the day when everything a white does is a hate crime we find the young are not exempt from the rage of the mob.

Recently a twelve-year-old boy was arrested for writing some clearly inappropriate things to a popular footballer. Yes, what wrote was wrong, but it is hardly the things you arrest a young boy for.

The left finds no problem letting the worst criminals out of prison for the sake of the coronavirus hoax, but arrest a child for saying something racial. Apparently the left has christened hate crimes as the ultimate breaking of the law. To heck with theft, assault, rape, mayhem, riot, and murder.

If BLM, ANTIFA, and other assorted miscreants are not brought under control, the left will achieve their dream of unfettered revenge. Our founding fathers gave us a republic which enabled us to become better people. The left believes that they made the wrong choice and that we should have followed the French model of revolution.

The mob is now confronting successful, “overly wealthy” citizens in their homes. They want blood, heads to roll, and their appetite is insatiable. Boiling down this ill-conceived concoction of self-induced misery, the left has declared itself moral and virtue free, doomed to perish in wanton stupidity.

By destroying the past, their future lies in ruins and they become recipients of the zonk prize behind door number three. By seizing unearned booty their government checks will be underwritten by no one and the promises they made to their followers will be realized as empty.

This is a generation of our making by allowing the young to bathe in Marxist dogma and worship at the alter of everything self. It is to our shame that we’ve allowed liberty to slip through our fingers without much protest.

We’ve never said no loud enough. We paid for the schooling that taught them to hate us. Will we have to pay back what we never stole? Will there be a fight? Will we wear masks forever? If so, your life isn’t worth living.

Having something worth living for is important; having something worth dying for most important. What will we give in exchange for our soul?

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